Wednesday 31 December 2014


Wishing everyone a very happy, prosperous, peaceful and joyous New Year. I hope 2015 brings you all you wish for!

Today you will find my review of The Llewellyn Classic Tarot over on the TABI Blog (Tarot Association of the British Isles)

Here at the dwelling of the Treewitch I have lots of work to do over the next few days. I'm creating new information about my jewellery, so expect lots of luscious pics of hand made chains. 

The scanner has got over its huff and is now speaking to my laptop, meaning that I can finish my Tarot page and include images of the decks I read with on a regular basis. This will make it easier for folk to choose which deck they desire for a reading...hurrah!

Thank you lovely ones, for all the support and kindness you give me, I am so happy to have great querents putting their faith in me for Tarot readings and saying such lovely things about the blog, I feel very blessed :-)

To welcome in the new year, here is the stunning Fortune card (Wheel of Fortune in other decks) from the beautiful Japaridze Tarot. This deck called to me loud and clear and lo! There it was under the Christmas tree!

May Fortune shine on you in the coming year.

'Til next time,


Monday 22 December 2014

Post Solstice, Pre Christmas

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice and my beloved and I walked up to one our favourite ancient longbarrows. The weather was cold but clear and we enjoyed hot chocolate in insulated travel cups while we sat and communed with the spirits of the place. We shared smiles with the other four or so people who were there, tying wishes to the tree, touching the stones. It was so, so peaceful, and I felt a harmonious purity simply listening.

Between us we took turns at adding a few loose sticks to the little fire that has been glowing up there for the past few years, providing its own eternal light. It's a small area but everyone gives one another space and quiet to enjoy the surroundings in their individual way. I love that. Each of the eight Celtic festivals has a unique energy, and I love that moment of Solstice pausing (which we celebrated at home just after 10pm) before the Sun turns and we head into the lighter part of the year. 

I felt really refreshed and ready to tackle the preparations for welcoming family for Christmas Day, which has an altogether different feel to the gentle Solstice.

Being a mild agoraphobic means that I have to manage any shopping carefully in order to avoid crowds and crushes at certain times of year. Not for me the wild rush to the sales. This year has sounded particularly horrific in terms of Black Friday, Cyber Saturday, Mad whatever else the media can come up with. I wonder if it's because we are still in the grip of 'austerity measures' that people feel a sort of release that has them charging to the shops? 

I'm one of those people who buys presents throughout the year, as I see them, or make them. That way, I'm saved (most of the time!) from a last minute panic. Thank goodness for online shopping too - a gift indeed!

Whatever celebrations you enjoy, may I wish you and yours the happiest and most joyous of times.

'Til next time,


Coldrum Stones. Allington sunset - photos by Margo Benson

Sunday 14 December 2014

Make a Wish

Do you make a lot of wishes? I do. I wish on many things - I see omens and signs and wish on them; I make a wish when I'm stirring the Christmas pudding. I wish on a full moon to bring me luck, a waning moon to take things away and a new moon for fresh beginnings.
This weekend has been a wonderful occasion to observe the Geminid meteor shower. Last night the Mr and I stood in our frosty garden, glass of wine in hand, and watched a fabulous display of shooting stars. I wished on them too. One meteor was so bright and whooshed for so long, I couldn't believe there wasn't an accompanying noise (although I did squeal a bit!).

I wish mostly for things that are gloomy or negative to become happy and positive in my life and the lives of those I love. I imagine these thoughts travelling through space and time, sprinkling good juju with abundance. I've probably wished on the odd satellite or two, but hey!

In the Tarot, The Star offers guidance and healing. It's a magical card full of hope and promise. When our lives aren't quite going to plan or our dreams are taking their time to materialise, we need to remember to find our star, our wish, and keep it in sight. Trust that the desires we send out are sparkling and swirling, before finding their way back home to us.

I like physical representations of stars too, and I've made these silver star charms to scatter good luck this Yuletide.
I certainly believe that wishes come true, so .... make a wish! 

'Til next time,


The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans

Monday 8 December 2014

Catching Up and Letting Go

Time flies! Over two months since the last post, sorry about that. NaNoWriMo put paid to much of that time and I'm happy to say that this year was a success. I enjoyed this year's tale a lot more than last year's but do think I may be more suited to short stories. When I look at this one again in a few weeks or so, I'll see how it's fairing. For now, I'm happy to leave it 'resting'.

So, what's been happening? I've been in a Two of Pentacles state for ages it seems, although with none of the aplomb of the woman here in the Vanessa Tarot - in fact I've felt rather reversed (only that doesn't make such a good pic!) I certainly haven't been able to juggle, skip and wave all at the same time. I don't think there's one aspect of my life right now that I'm not playing catch up with. Still, I am, at least, feeling more upright.

Since I was last here I've had a birthday, acquired some more Tarot and Lenormand decks and won a fabulous bottle of perfume in an online give-away. One of our cats became a lap cat overnight, I learned how to make Ciabatta, and have sent forth the wishes of moving to our dream location.

I have realised that the hurts suffered in the early summer haven't fully healed, but finding the 'bigger person' isn't the struggle it was a few months ago. 

My poor butchered hair from a 'tidy up' last June is almost back to normal; the Yule cake is made and awaits decoration.

Life and its ups and downs, more ups I'm happy to say. I'm back at the blog with gusto, ready to update and upgrade the pages that are languishing unfinished. Onward!

Taking a leaf from the last post back in October and looking at this wonderful depiction of The Wheel of Fortune from the Art of Life Tarot ... I'm still dancing.

'Til next time,
